As far back as 1766, early pioneers came from Germany and met in a little log building to worship. In 1776, the Rev. Francis Peppard came from New York Presbytery and formed a church. It was called “The First English and German Congregation in Knowlton” and the preaching and recordkeeping were in German. Therefore a number of people in Knowlton and Sussex County, being collected into a Christian Society, desired to be under the care of the Presbytery and supplicate for supplies. So in 1803, the first church building was erected near the present site. The congregation was made up of High Dutch Calvinists, Episcopalians, and Presbyterians, and formed the mother church of Blairstown, Hope and Delaware, In 1844, a newer church was built, which is still in use today. At first the pews in the church faced the doors in the back, so people could be ready in the case of Indian attacks, but today they are turned the other way. In those days the church was lit by oil lamps hung from the ceiling. Those lamps are still in use today, but now are lit by electricity.